Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Scatter-shooting the Sitting Ducks — US Americans Believe Education is Broken | Dissident Voice

Scatter-shooting the Sitting Ducks — US Americans Believe Education is Broken | Dissident Voice:

Scatter-shooting the Sitting Ducks — US Americans Believe Education is Broken

but they still believe the Sun revolves around the Earth . . . and, well, that US of Amerika is the best country since, well, Eden!
“Of all our studies, history is best qualified to reward all research.”
-Malcolm X [el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz]
“If you don’t know history, it is as if you were born yesterday.”
-Howard Zinn
The new hyper rich — the IT-AI-Robotics-Virtual-Info/Data/Surveillance Jammers with their Tweeter IPO orgasm and bit-coin realm of worthless junk trading – they are probably worse than the old robber barons, the Carnegies, the Rockefellers, the entire genocidal and resource and cultural stealing folks with their names not just plastered and etched on concert halls, libraries and philanthropic organizations, but their dead influence on some of the biggest non-profit grant organizations in the world, ones that have people with their loose fingers into everything that should be PUBLIC goods, PUBLIC welfare, PUBLIC safety, PUBLIC space.
This is the issue, now, then, in Amerika, around the globe – Do communities produce anything, learn how to take back and take care, learn that interlopers like the Intels and Boeings and Googles are not members of a community of place?
Our enemies are the virtual people with virtual ideals whose bank accounts swell with the corporate welfare dollars and the dollars of our own national collective health.
They are the dialing for dollars and Lotto mavens. They want more-more-more. They want disruption, implosion, a new-new world that is imagined by ethically-vacant people who think that the world goes better with Coke and Computers.
They count on false dialogue, false accusations, false science, false ethics. They count on homey stories of America the great, the land of opportunity, the great melted pot, err, melting caldron of false ideas and a buck made a second on idealess ideals.
They live in myth, and they want some idea cooked up in GIS-Computer