Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Portland Public Schools parents rally for teachers as negotiations impasse continues (video): PPS News |

Portland Public Schools parents rally for teachers as negotiations impasse continues (video): PPS News |

Portland Public Schools parents rally for teachers as negotiations impasse continues (video): PPS News

Dozens of community members rallied outside the district office to support teachers during ongoing contract negotiations.(Nicole Dungca/The Oregonian)

More than 70 community members on Wednesday rallied outside the Portland Public Schools office to support teachers during contract negotiations.

Parents organized the rally, aimed at asking the district to listen to parents and stop "forcing a strike."

Portland Public Schools and the Portland Association of Teachers have been in negotiations since April. The district declared impasse Nov. 20, which starts the clock ticking toward the district imposing a contract or teachers walking out.

Both sides are back in talks, and the district announced today they had made progress on