Sunday, December 1, 2013

I’m Thankful For Canada’s Health System – redqueeninla

I’m Thankful For Canada’s Health System – redqueeninla:

I’m Thankful For Canada’s Health System
Written by redqueeninla in EducationPublic Health

 Four years ago I was unable to afford this week’s great joy in cooking a special meal for family and friends, a meal from the heart and soul.  What follows is a highly personal vignette that outlines the blessing of functional public politics, and how deeply egality matters – for health, for education, for social well-being.
Visiting Canada on academic sabbatical constitutes an official visitation that politically confers temporary membership in the government’s health insurance.  When a bicycle fall ruptured my spleen, I could have lost my family forever but was restored to them by a health care system that runs of and for the people.  It is a societal system, a mindset and concept of the commons unknown here in philosophy or actuality.  While it took too long to identify the threat to my life (a flaw common to the US emergency system), in time I was immersed in a system of sharp noises and sounds that ultimately staunched my acute peril.  It is the ancillary aide, the chronic assistance, the derivative freedoms of universal health care, that Americans do not appreciate.
For several years I suffered with a chronic, debilitating neurological pain