Sunday, December 1, 2013

Head Start Proves Beneficial to Latino, Spanish-Speaking Children |

Head Start Proves Beneficial to Latino, Spanish-Speaking Children |

STUDY:  Head Start Programs Prove Most Beneficial to Latino, Spanish-Speaking Children
STUDY:  Head Start Programs Prove Most Beneficial to Latino, Spanish-Speaking Children

A new study proves what many education experts have long suspected: Head Start programs and public pre-kindergarten are beneficial to Latino children.
The research by the University of North Carolina’s Graham Child Development Institute shows that children who have low English-language skills benefit the most from programs like Head Start.  Apparently, Head Start programs lessen the academic gaps between Latino children and their peers.
Latino children that are not raised in language-rich environments or raised in Spanish-only homes enter kindergarten without understanding basic classroom instructions.  Preschool provides a ‘head start’ on a bilingual approach to their studies.
Multiple studies have proven the short- and long-term social and educational benefits of a high-quality early childhood education. Experts say preschool attendance has the potential to close the achievement gap and help train a global, multilingual workforce.
In these programs Spanish-speaking children and/or children with weak English skills gain an