Tuesday, December 24, 2013

DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: The Gift of Teaching:The Joy of Doing What I Do!

DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: The Gift of Teaching:The Joy of Doing What I Do!:

The Gift of Teaching:The Joy of Doing What I Do!

Today, I am going to put on my blinders.

I am going to, for the moment, forget all that plagues public education.

Teaching is a gift.

Not a gift, as in, this is my calling (although I do believe it is), but a gift as in a present to and for me.:) It is indeed a gift to do what I do.

Where else can I shake my booty to "OMG, It's the weekend", as we all dance to the Morning Meeting circle?

Crack up at corny jokes?

Come up with different ways to snap for correct answers?

Get, and give, hugs ?

Laugh, smile, play, run, and jump?

Watch a child's eyes light up because they "got it"?

Turn a frown upside down with a hug or few words?

Use the "thumbs up" sign and not feel like a dork?

View the world from a child's viewpoint?

Feel excitement as students are