Sunday, December 15, 2013

DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: All I Want for Christmas:An Educator's List!

DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: All I Want for Christmas:An Educator's List!:

All I Want for Christmas:An Educator's List!

When my siblings and I were younger, my parents had us write a list of everything we wanted for Christmas. Of course, raising 5 kids, we never got everything we put on that list. But it felt so good writing it because you knew you were going to get something on that list.


1.productive professional development throughout the school year-teacher-driven PD,what a concept!

2.smaller class size - this year I learned that 5 less kids makes a HUGE difference

3.a deep-seated belief in my professional judgement- I do know what I'm doing as a priority - school is not a babysitting service

5.not another "new thing" - made up by non-educators

6.the complete removal of standardized testing- the word "standardized" is a problem

7.returning the