Monday, December 30, 2013

DailyCensored Learning to fight the tyranny of a neo-liberal education: Chile and Ecuador – Breaking Censored News, World, Independent, Liberal NewsLearning to fight the tyranny of a neo-liberal education: Chile and Ecuador:

Learning to fight the tyranny of a neo-liberal education: Chile and Ecuador

 CamilaVallejopicture of student protester and organizer, Camila Vallejo recently elected to Chilean Congress

As the hoax known as Obama’s 20/20 plan for higher education is barely mentioned in the US press, what is also missing from any discussion is what is going on in other parts of the world when it comes to higher education.  This is especially true of S. America where dramatic, positive changes are taking place.
In this two-part article we look at two countries that are going through a remarkable transition in Latin America:  Chile and Ecuador.  By studying the issues that face the Chilean and Ecuadorian people and how they are uniting to assure free, open access for all students wishing to go to an institution of higher education the US people might begin to learn how to mount a real mobilization to defend and preserve public education.  As you will see, this movement must be offensive, defensive and well organized.

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We begin with Chile
In 2006, during the first presidential term of President Michelle Bachelet, her government was facing its first main challenge with riots, strikes and a countrywide boycott put together by more than a million students.
A national strike called by the Coordinating Assembly of Grade School Students brought the Chilean education system to its knees back in June of 2006.  Teenagers occupied schools, barricading the entrances with desks, while street riots raged for 10 hours in the capital of Chile, Santiago. Police