Friday, December 27, 2013

DailyCensored com – "The tragedy of the Public Commons": California City College and the neo-enclosure movement in education – Breaking Censored News, World, Independent, Liberal News"The tragedy of the Public Commons": California City College and the neo-enclosure movement in education:

“The tragedy of the Public Commons”: California City College and the neo-enclosure movement in education

Readers who are familiar with the controversy over the City College of San Francisco (CCSF) and theAccrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) (ACCJC’s) failure to accredit the once community college, are also familiar with the Lumina Foundation and the role it played in assuring that CCSF would not be re-accredited.
College and university the accrediting agencies are much like stock rating agencies: they are in the hands of the one percent.  Moody’s (owned by Warrens Buffet) and Standard and Poors or Fitch all ‘rate’ stocks.  Look how they rated the sub-prime mortgage stocks (Triple A) or Enron.  They work for Wall Street and are faux ‘agencies’ designed to dupe the public into thinking they provide some ‘oversight’.  I am reminded of car and auto magazines which rate ‘cars and trucks’.  They too are endorsed and run by industry.
The same is true for the agencies that accredit colleges.  They are tied into the Wall Street mob, like the Lumina Foundation, which poses as a public charity when in fact it is founded on the sound principles of advocacy philanthropy designed to decimate the public commons in exchange for public largess.  In North Carolina, American Legislative Exchange Council members (ALEC), working with Kaplan University, a for-profit scam even passed laws which turned college accrediting agencies over to for-profit colleges (

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Occupied’ accrediting agencies now work to assure that colleges and universities dance to the tune of Wall Street investors.  If they do not, then they become as did CCSF, targets and low hanging fruit for the silk backed