Tuesday, December 31, 2013

UPDATE: One of Top Ten Op-ed’s this year - 2014: Let’s have a good one | Seattle Education

2014: Let’s have a good one | Seattle Education:

One of Top Ten Op-ed’s this year: Why Garfield teachers boycotted the MAP test

The Seattle Times just posted their top ten most-read opinion pieces of the year and Garfield High School teacher Jesse Hagopian was on the list at #8.
And guess what? All of those corporate reform pieces penned by the Seattle Times staff and our local Gates representatives in the guise of League of Education Voters, Stand for Children and the Alliance for Education “thought leaders”  that came out on a routine basis this year? Zero.
That’s one for the home team.
To follow is the op-ed:
Jesse Hagopian speaking in Chicago
Jesse Hagopian speaking in Chicago
WALKING the same halls once trod by Jimi Hendrix, Quincy Jones, Bruce Lee, Brandon Roy and Macklemore makes teaching at Garfield High School exhilarating.
When I look at the students in my history classes, I see young people who may be the next to turn the world inside out. Garfield has a long tradition of cultivating abstract thinking, lyrical innovation, trenchant debate, civic leadership, moral courage and myriad other qualities for which our society is desperate, yet which cannot be measured, or inspired, by bubbling 

2014: Let’s have a good one

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.
Here’s an excerpt:
The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed about 160,000 times in 2013. If it were an exhibit at the Louvre Museum, it would take about 7 days for that many people to see it.
Happy New Year to all of my readers.
Let’s make 2014 our best year yet!
Please feel free to submit articles, posts, reports and opinions for review to be published to seattledblog@gmail.com.
Dora Taylor