Wednesday, December 18, 2013

2013 in Review Part 1: Charter Schools: Public, Private, or Parasitic? - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

2013 in Review Part 1: Charter Schools: Public, Private, or Parasitic? - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:

2013 in Review Part 1: Charter Schools: Public, Private, or Parasitic?

The year 2013 was when corporate reform truly unraveled. From John Merrow's exposure of Michelle Rhee, to the revelations about Tony Bennett's school grade-fixing scandal, to Pearson's fine for illegal lobbying, a great many "conspiracy theories" were found to be true. I have been reviewing the past year of posts on this blog, and several themes emerge from the 176 posts I have published so far this year.
The biggest area of discussion continued to be corporate education reform, and the role of the Gates Foundation in advancing test-centered market-based reforms. A major emphasis was also the Common Core standards, which came into much sharper focus as a result of the tests that were rolled out in New York. I spent considerable time not only discussing the Common Core, but also looking at the problematic role our union leaders and professional organizations have been playing. The other major area of discussion was the challenge charter schools pose to the promise of public education, which is where I begin today:
Part 1: Charter Schools: Public, Private, or Parasitic?
The year began with Michael Petrilli declaring his admiration for charter schools which suspend or expel large numbers of students, since they create a special place for those he called the "strivers." This framed a central concern about charter schools, which developed through the year. While many of these schools take pride in sending students to college, what happens to those that are screened out or pushed out? 
As we saw in John Merrow's flawed but important documentary, Rebirth, New Orleansthey are often pushed into an overcrowded, underfunded public school system.
This would be bad enough, but another huge problem with the charter school solution emerged. Even as these schools tend to select the students that are the least difficult and expensive to