Monday, December 9, 2013

12-9-13 The Answer Sheet

The Answer Sheet:

Education activists protest, rally in scores of cities
Today parents, educators, students and activists around the country are staging a “Day of Action” with scores of coordinated events in more than 60 cities that sponsors hope will draw national attention to the problems of corporate-influenced school reform and to build a national movement to change the public education conversation and to increase funding […]    

Who de Blasio really wanted as NYC schools chancellor
New York City Mayor-Elect Bill de Blasio is considering a number of candidates to be his new public schools chancellor —  a decision that is one of the most visible and important he will make as he staffs his new administration — and it seems like every day there is a new rumor about who […]    

12-8-13 The Answer Sheet
The Answer Sheet: Education innovation: A case study in what not to doThe $1 billion initiative by the Los Angeles public schools district to give an iPad to all 650,000 students and teachers for home use has been nothing short of a mess, plagued by poor planning and bad execution. You can read about it here. Here’s a new look at what went wrong from  Larry Cuban, a […]    by Valerie Strauss / 7mi