Wednesday, December 25, 2013

12-25-13 teacherken at Daily Kos: One important Christmas ritual

Daily Kos: One important Christmas ritual:

Interesting observation on same-sex marriage by Jeffrey Toobin
in a New Yorker piece titled Same-Sex Marriage, The Legal Deluge. He reviews the big decisions from NM and Utah, but things the real story was in Ohio, where Monday a Federal District Court judge issued an important ruling that has tended to get lost in the shuffle.  Toobin writes: James Obergefell and John Arthur, who lived together in Cincinnati, married in Maryland at a time when Arthur was gra

Wendell Potter on Obamacare
in an interesting piece at Reader Supported News dated yesterday and titled Obamacare: What's in It for You? Plenty, So Take Time to Find Out. He notes a number of things that most Americans do not seem to know, in large part because of how the media has covered the roll-out, starting with this:  the average increased in premiums of 4% much lower than the average of the past decade. Here's a few m
One important Christmas ritual
upon which Leaves on the Current insists is the old Russian tradition of making certain the animals are cared for before we celebrate ourselves. I am not a celebrant of Christmas.  I do not want gifts.  I will occasionally get a specific gift for someone else, this year only two -  for one son of one of my wife's sisters, a middle schooler who thinks he wants to be a Marine, a history of the Corps
12-24-13 teacherken at Daily Kos: Must-read by Barton Gellman on Edward Snowden
Daily Kos: Must-read by Barton Gellman on Edward Snowden: Must-read by Barton Gellman on Edward SnowdenbyteacherkenFollowthat went up some 8 hours ago at the Washington Post website - in fact I am surprised not to see something at the top of the Rec list.The piece is titled Edward Snowden, after months of NSA revelations, says his mission’s accomplished and it is the result of the Post reporter in