Tuesday, December 24, 2013

12-24-13 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

Cato Holds Conference to PROVE Early Education Makes No Difference
Why hold a conference when you already know the answers? What next, finding research showing that pre-natal care has no impact? Actually, why have health care at all? Ask anyone involved in this sham if they send their own kids to preschool programs. Will they mention the multi-million word gap between wealthy and poor kids entering school? Cato claims benefits of pre-school don't last. Of course

True Confessions: I Used to Give Kids Finish-like Breaks
An American teacher now working in an elementary school in Finland, via the Diane Ravitch blog, writes about the differences. Finnish schools often schedule lessons into hour-long blocks: 45 minutes of instruction, 15 minutes of break. Students rarely have back-to-back lessons without breaks—and at the elementary level, it's expected that children will spend their breaks playing outside, rain or

12-23-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Randi, Cami and Newark: Anyone for a Quisling Reference?These two have a long history together. The dynamic works like this: Randi gives Cami whatever she wants, then complains about Cami exercising the freedoms that Randi has given her. It's sort of like the dynamic Randi is alleged to have with everyone else, except the 'gives', and later the 'complaints', are more pronounced an