Friday, December 20, 2013

12-20-13 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Taking Back Newark From The Privatizers
In case you missed this:@KarenLewisCTU @deBlasioNYC @berthalewis Ras Baraka for Mayor of Newark …— Mark Naison (@McFiredogg) December 21, 2013Electing a pro-public school mayor to Newark would be a big thing, a really big thing.Hedge fund crony Cory Booker has gone on to do bigger and more damaging things at the federal level now, but maybe, just maybe, somebody can come in

De Blasio Puts Ed Deformers John Legend And Harvey Weinsten On His Pre-K Push Team
From Eliza Shapiro at Capital NY:De Blasio unveiled the Campaign for Universal Pre-K and Afterschool along with a new website and accompanying promotional video which was sent to tens of thousands of people by actress Cynthia Nixon, one of the campaign's leaders. The goal is to convince New Yorkers to support a tax hike to fund the programs. In addition to Nixon, other recognizeable names include

De Blasio Promises Chancellor Announcement Will Come "Soon"
From Eliza Shapiro at Capital NY:Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio said Thursday he has not yet offered the city schools chancellor job to any of the leading candidates, but promised an announcement would come "soon."De Blasio gave few details about the chancellor search at an event at a Crown Heights preschool where he unveiled another part of his campaign to enact universal pre-K and expanded

Why No Chancellor Announcement Yet?
So now it's December 20th, the last school day of Dennis Walcott's tenure as chancellor.In just 12 calendar days, Walcott's replacement is supposed to come into power.There have been lots of stories in the press and on the Internet about the names that are supposed to be on de Blasio's short list for chancellor, but no actual announcement about the pick itself from de Blasio.Here is de Blasio's sc
Things They Should Name To Honor Dennis Walcott
An empty storefront.A garbage dumpster.A burnt, abandoned car.A mold-infested FEMA trailer.Flight deck at Bellevue.That smell on the subway in August. Any others?
12-19-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Bloomberg Claims His Education Reforms Are "Poster Child" For National ReformThe Daily News is doing Bloomberg "legacy" pieces today and the story on education by Ben Chapman is pretty good.Here's the opening: He ran for office as the Education Mayor, but his report card is mixed — at best. Mayor Bloomberg’s overhaul of the public schools was one of the m