Thursday, December 12, 2013

12-12-13 With A Brooklyn Accent

With A Brooklyn Accent:

Why A "One Size Fits All" Curriculum is a Catastroph
Today, I had lunch in Riverhead with parent activist Al Wicklund. Our meeting symbolized the new alliances being forged in the anti-testing movement- the Cop and the Professor; the Marine Corps Veteran and former anti-war protester united in an effort and to prevent Common Core and uncontrolled testing from demoralizing students and driving out our best teachers.The lunch was illuminating in many

When Common Core Is Viewed as "Just War"- The NY State Ed Dept's Politics of Cynicism
After seeing  NY State Regents Chair Merryl Tisch in action at the Bronx Common Core Forum without Commissioner King present, I am convinced the Regents are approaching the transition to Common Core as a "just war" in which they are willing to accept a very high number of casualties. The only way to stop them, since their own children will not be among the casualties, is to make the pric

12-11-13 With A Brooklyn Accent
With A Brooklyn Accent: The Regents and Collateral Damage- Thoughts from a Bronx Common Core ForumThe amount of "collateral damage" those who call themselves "School Reformers" are willing to endure in their quest to prepare children ( including those not yet born) ready to compete in the Global Economy never ceases to amaze me. They claim to be motivated by idealism and a pass