Thursday, December 12, 2013

12-12-13 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

Mass Insight into Evansville: Gates, Broad, and Joyce in Indiana
By Doug MartinThe Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation is fighting to keep its recently hired Boston-based Mass Insight Education turnaround company.  Mass Insight Education was hired last year for $600,000 to help “turn around” Glenwood’s Leadership Academy and four other schools in the corporation which have received poor grades over the last few years.  According to a recent State Impact

No Excuses for the Poor; Affluenza for the Privileged
What happens when a white rich boy gets drunk, drives, and kills 4 people and paralyzes 1?  No jail time--he is suffering from affluenza.  Really--that's the defense that worked and now is recorded into case law.From Time:For most people, conviction for vehicular manslaughter due to drunk driving warrants a lengthy sentence, but not in the case of Ethan Couch, a wealthy young man from the state of

Jay Saper on TFA and Subsequent KIPP Recruiting Experience
I talked with an amazing young man the other day about his getting booted out of TFA during the early fall of 2013. His name is Jay Saper, and, despite his recent experiences, he remains articulate, confident, and eager to become a real teacher with real teacher preparation and credentials. From our long conversation, it became apparent to me that he is much too empathetic to be successful in an o

12-11-13 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Seeking Equity: Not “If,” But “How” and “Why”Fiction offers avenues to Truth, often hard Truths, that remain closed or less often traveled otherwise. While many people associate Middlesex, by Jeffrey Eugenides, with themes addressing sexuality and gender, this novel also confronts readers with a vivid and insightful consideration of class, race, and cultural heritage.* Toward the m