Thursday, December 12, 2013

12-12-13 Fred Klonsky | Running for our pensions. | VOTE 4 Fred Klonsky

Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.:

NEA to retirees: Plan ahead. What?
  DVR to Illinois teacher retirees: Hope you made good retirement plans. H/T: Ken Previti So, maybe the NEA didn’t hear about Senate Bill 1. Or they’re trying to be helpful in some weird way. But a little more than a week after the Illinois’ General Assembly passed and the governor signed a bill cutting our retiree pension the NEA posts a cover story on their web site suggesting ways to make our

The Illinois senior tax. Retirees pay 25%. Corporations pay zero.
Reader Phil writes: All calculations indicate most retirees will lose 25-35% of their revenue stream over the next 20-30 years under the new law. This has the same effect as taxing us seniors by a rate of 25%. So we now have a tax system in Illinois where vulnerable and modest income retired public employees are taxed at a rate of 25% and millionaires are taxed at 5% (set to return to 3%) and huge
Pension thieves.
  Michael Connelly is a Republican State Senator representing Wheaton’s 21st district. State Senator Michael Connelly voted for cutting retiree pensions and then wrote: “Dear constituent: Thank you for sharing your opinion with me regarding Senate Bill 1. As the son of a retired public school teacher and public school nurse who rely on their pensions for retirement and the brother of a current
Lee R. Talley. Reform this! A citizen’s guide to government reform in Illinois.
- Lee R. Talley is a retired teacher from Tinley Park. So…I went to my bank this week to see my loan officer.  Upon shaking hands and sitting down, I proudly stated, “I regret to inform you that the original mortgage agreement I signed back in 2002 is no longer applicable.”  The officer paused, a queried expression on his face, then asked, “Why?” I replied, “When I signed that contract I had every
Life in Rahm’s Chicago. Rangel is a distraction? From what? From who?
Rangel and Rahm. A thumbs up. Juan Rangel resigned as head of the United Neighborhood Organization last week. Yesterday The Mayor claimed Rangel was a distraction. What are we being distracted from? We are not being distracted from the fact that the state’s largest charter operation is under federal investigation. We are not being distracted from his close ties to The Mayor. He was Rahm’s electio

12-11-13 Fred Klonsky | Running for our pensions. | VOTE 4 Fred Klonsky
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Pension Thieves.  Greg Harris is a Democratic State Representative from the 13th District on Chicago’s north side. He targets older people, retired police, fire fighters, public service workers, public school teachers and state university employees. Approach with care. He should be considered a Republ