Wednesday, December 11, 2013

12-11-13 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

KIPP Using Padded Isolation Room for Disruptive Kindergarten Students
The latest example of why children call it the Kids in Prison Program. Click below to begin CBS News video coverage.  Text is below the video.NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — A Manhattan mother says her 5-year-old son was locked in a padded room at school, leaving the kindergartner so traumatized he had to go to the hospital.Taneka Hall said the “safe-calm room” at KIPP Star Elementary School in Washington

Colonizing Measures
by Doug Storm:Colonizing MeasuresThe UCR [Uniform Crime Reports which originated in 1929] reveals more about police behavior that it does about criminality. Some law enforcement agencies falsify the reports they submit to the FBI. Once a citizen reports a crime, police must make an official record for the crime to be counted in the UCR. Sometimes, however, law enforcement officers do not complete

MSNBC Leaning Forward into Teenage Prison Programming
This past weekend while channel surfing I found that Microsoft-NBC has reached new lows in its weekend prison programming.  It has now moved beyond desensitizing and voyeuristic window-peeping into staged adult prison life to now focusing on a cleansed view of incarcerated teenagers.  Below is the a post from almost five years ago, which seems as relevant now as it was then:MSNBC, The Prison Chann
Mark Naison Tells It Like It Should Be: Get Lost, Tisch
To Mark, thank you.From Mark:Bronx Common Core Forum where I call for the resignation of Regents Chair Merryl Tisch

New York City Council Declares Opposition to the Majority of Murders
FromEd Week, followed by my comment:The New York City Council has passed a resolution asking state officials to replace high-stakes standardized tests with multiple measures that collectively gauge student achievement.The city council's education committee approved Resolution 1394 on Monday, and the full council approved it Tuesday by a vote of 49-0, according to a staff member in Councilmember Ro

Seeking Equity: Not “If,” But “How” and “Why”
Fiction offers avenues to Truth, often hard Truths, that remain closed or less often traveled otherwise. While many people associate Middlesex, by Jeffrey Eugenides, with themes addressing sexuality and gender, this novel also confronts readers with a vivid and insightful consideration of class, race, and cultural heritage.* Toward the middle of the novel, the life of the main character, Calliope/
12-10-13 Schools Matter: Did AFT Offset Costs of Anti-Corporate Crusade with Corporate Cash?
Schools Matter: Did AFT Offset Costs of Anti-Corporate Crusade with Corporate Cash?: Did AFT Offset Costs of Anti-Corporate Crusade with Corporate Cash?The following is from AFT in 2009, when the future for corporate ed reform seemed ascendant, and Randi was on a wave.  AFT has scrubbed the video from their site, but I plugged it in to where it had been previously deleted from the Press Release.