Tuesday, December 10, 2013

12-10-13 Schools Matter: Did AFT Offset Costs of Anti-Corporate Crusade with Corporate Cash?

Schools Matter: Did AFT Offset Costs of Anti-Corporate Crusade with Corporate Cash?:

Terry Gross Interview on New ALEC Revelations
From NPR, which includes interview link:A batch of internal documents recently leaked to The Guardian has revealed new insights into the goals and finances of the secretive group called ALEC. The American Legislative Exchange Council is a group that brings together state legislators and representatives of corporations. Together, they develop model bills that lawmakers introduce and try to pass in

Did AFT Offset Costs of Anti-Corporate Crusade with Corporate Cash?
The following is from AFT in 2009, when the future for corporate ed reform seemed ascendant, and Randi was on a wave.  AFT has scrubbed the video from their site, but I plugged it in to where it had been previously deleted from the Press Release.  Do have a look, and note the venue for this big announcement. Were no dark alleys available?With AFT now spending a million bucks on their new Pretender
12-9-13 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Ending the Achievement Gap With Music EducationPsychology Today Magazine advertises on the Huffington Post. In a recent article, PT reports on how important music education can be for brain development, as well as cognitive and emotional growth for children. Perhaps child psychologists and educators should be talking more.So why has the Department of Education and Arne Duncan and f