Saturday, November 2, 2013

With A Brooklyn Accent: Six Debating Points for CCSS Opponents

With A Brooklyn Accent: Six Debating Points for CCSS Opponents:

Six Debating Points for CCSS Opponents

1. CCCS and the tests created to comply with them, cost money, and take money away from things that make school enjoyable and exciting like art, music, hands on science, and physical education. Worse yet, the money they removes go into the hands of for profit test companies 2. They discriminate against huge groups of children for whom the standards are developmentally inappropriate, especially ELL students, students with special needs, and children growing up in poverty. 3 They promote a one size all approach to curriculum and schools , undermining the investment in vocational and technical programs that we desperately need
4 They will cause local school taxes to rise exponentially after September 2015 when Race to the Top Funds appropriated to support