Monday, November 4, 2013

What's Next for Mark Hopkins? Parent Strategy Forum

What's Next for Mark Hopkins? Parent Strategy Forum:

Dear Community Ally,

It is with great enthusiasm that Hmong Innovating Politics (HIP) would like to invite you to an upcoming community strategy forum to discuss the re-purposing of the recently closed Mark Hopkins Elementary School. This event is sponsored by SCUSD Board Member Diana Rodriguez, Assemblymember Dr. Richard Pan and City Councilmember Bonnie Pannell. 

When: Tuesday, November 5 @ 6-8pm

Since the SCUSD’s school closure plan was announced earlier this year, HIP has been steadfast in its commitment to supporting students, parents and families from historically disenfranchised communities. Now that Mark Hopkins Elementary has been closed as part of SCUSD's wrong-sizing plan, the community must come together to sort out the mess. Fresh off a fantastic canvassing event this past weekend, HIP and other community members are eager to help ensure the once vibrant elementary school remains a symbol of prosperity and hope in the community. 

As a trusted community leader, your input is essential to making sure that Mark Hopkin remains a shared community space. We look forward to your attendance and insights. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at 626.607.1897

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


Jonathan Tran
HIP Organizer

PS: Please see attached flyer for more details and help distribute widely