Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Vote for 2013 Educational Policy Turkey of the Year Award | Cloaking Inequity

Vote for 2013 Educational Policy Turkey of the Year Award | Cloaking Inequity:

Vote for 2013 Educational Policy Turkey of the Year Award

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Cloaking Inequity seeks to illuminate popular and dominant ideologies that purport to foment equality and close the achievement gap. Often well-intentioned citizens support educational policy that claim to create a more inclusive and better quality education system— unbeknownst to them— instead these policies magnify and hide inequality by utilizing an elegant, yet false, bureaucracy of data, research and media promotion. Last year I began the Educational Policy Turkey of the Year Award. The 2012 inaugural winner (as voted on by the readers of Cloaking Inequity) was TFA (See: Teach For America: 2012 Educational Policy Turkey of the Year)
The 2013 Educational Policy Turkey of the Year Award will again be voted on by the readers of Cloaking Inequity and announced Thanksgiving Day (Gobble Gobble). This award will be given to the educational policy (or program or person or groups of persons) of the year that is deemed to most egregiously cloak inequity. I will provide an introductory hyperlinks about each nominee for research purposes. Let the voting begin!
1. Great Hearts, Basis and other profit making and/or diversity-averse corporate charters (Click here). Because The wealthy need segregated charters too!? (1 and 2), “Diversity is too hard” and What BASIS?: Nepotism and aggrandizement in charters Notably, the Texas State Board of Education and Nashville Metro School Board saw