Monday, November 4, 2013

The Secret Sixty Prepare to Write Standards for 50 Million - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

The Secret Sixty Prepare to Write Standards for 50 Million - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:

The Secret Sixty Prepare to Write Standards for 50 Million


Sixty individuals, ONE teacher among them, will write national education standards in the next five months, in a secret process that excludes effective input from students, parents or teachers.
As teachers we spend a lot of time thinking about what we teach our students, and how to engage them in learning. When the National Governor's Association (NGA) called for national education standards a few months back, some educators optimistically believed that we might be consulted in the process. After all, didn't the entire No Child Left Behind fiasco teach us what happens when policies are enacted without the active engagement of the professionals expected to carry them out?
However, I had a sinking feeling history might repeat itself, when I wrote this entry a few weeks back.
Now the other shoe has dropped. On Wednesday, the NGA and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) released their plan for developing national standards for Mathematics and English.
They propose a process that will result in new national K-12 standards by next December, and launched a new website where we can watch the magic unfold. They also released the names of those on the Mathematics and English "Work Groups" that will draft the standards, and the