Saturday, November 16, 2013

teacherken at Daily Kos 11-16-13

teacherken at Daily Kos:

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Leaves at Day 30 - bloodwork now normal
and as a result her transplant procedure is now complete.  She will have one more appointment with the transplant practice at Day 100 early next year, but she has no further medical restrictions at this time. She has come a long way since her cancer was first discovered on January 27. She is not cured, because this kind of blood cancer remains in the body, but she is in full remission, and now medically recovered from her autologous stem cell transplant. That was the good news today, although she is not yet ready to return to work.  She has not gotten the exercise she needs and does not yet fe
VA AG - the math is simple, and devastating
as many of you probably know, Democrat Mark Herring went ahead today (although not yet on the state website) as a result of actions in Richmond. Going in to today, Obenshain led by 17. As expected the missing machine with a net of 116 for Herring was accepted. There were net 16 other additions for Herring. As of earlier today, Herring has, at least theoretically, a 115 vote lead (I am going to use this number, and not the number that a Democratic official floated of 135, which would make the math even more devastating). As far as we know, what is left is provisionals in Fairfax (493, of which
An explanation of dispute on Fairfax County provisionals in AG race
Fairfax County Virginia has had a practice that allowed those casting provisional ballots on election day to sign documentation allowing party or candidate organizations to allow them to represent the voter when the provisional was being considered.  The state election board decided that this was in violation of its rules, and in fact, since a similar procedure was not being followed in all 134 jurisdictions in the Commonwealth, represented unequal treatment of ballots  (which would be a violation  of Bush v Gore).  Thus on Friday the County was ordered not to allow anyone except the person wh

NOV 12

VA - AG all over but the recount
with everything else in the state reportedly in, Herring's lead over Obenshain had dropped from 117 to 106. Fairfax counted its provisionals 160-103, for a net pickup of 57. Added to 106, the margin is 163.   Fairfax has to certify by Midnight. Then the state has until November 25 to certify. Errors could in theory still be found. But by Virginia standards, that 163 is a huge margin to overcome. T

NOV 11

The country is doing better than you think
so opines Eugene Robinson in this op ed for Tuesday's Washington Post. It is crammed full of data to make the argument.  He begins like this:   The economy is growing much more quickly than expected. Inflation is basically nonexistent. The federal budget deficit has been slashed dramatically. The stock market is reaching all-time highs. One of our long-running wars is over, and the other is windin

NOV 10

Update on VA-AG race
State Board of Elections website this evening changed from Obenshain by 55 to Obenshain by 17.  People have been digging through to account for the 38 vote change.  We knew that 11 was from Richmond City provisionals, H 15 O 4 = +11H The rest came from Precinct 606, which had corrections of Herring +30 and Obenshain +3 for a net of +27. 55 - 11- 38 = 17. Still NOT in state is Richmond Precinct 501

NOV 09

Breaking - Correction from Richmond should put Herring ahead in AG race
a series of recent tweets from Dave Wasserman of Cook political report just out" Ok, folks. @VirginiaSBE says RIchmond 501 went Herring (D) 830-144. Trusted source: registrar's results sheet says Herring 983-181. #VAAG — Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) November 10, 2013 IF that is correct, Herring (D) would net 116 votes, putting him in the lead by an estimated 72 votes even before Fairfax pro
A few comments on VA AG race UPDATED AT END
State board of elections has updated their figures, and now shows Obenshain, the Republican, up by 55 votes. But, you can go to this page, click on the CSV link, and get a list of all the changes being made.  There are no provisional votes for the AG race from either Alexandria City (net Herring (d) 29) or Richmond (net Herring 11).  That would make the current margin, without Fairfax County provi