Monday, November 11, 2013

#StopCommonCore Facebook Profile Picture Blast | Truth in American Education

#StopCommonCore Facebook Profile Picture Blast | Truth in American Education:

#StopCommonCore Facebook Profile Picture Blast

Filed in Common Core State Standards by  on November 11, 2013 • 0 Comments
1395880_10201899999596843_1783665425_nYou are encouraged to change your Facebook prolife picture to a “Stop Common Core” picture this week from November 12th to November 15th.  We use our profile pictures to reflect who we are, what we love and what are passions are.  So why not use it to show our opposition to the Common Core State Standards for four days.
So this week we urge you to change your profile picture to the red and white picture seen to the right.
Leslie Beck of Iowa who is spearheading this effort said, “Use the same red and white picture as everyone else who does this. Do not show your creativity. Do not show your unique style. Show the world what it would be like if we were all the same, even if it is just in this one way. That is Common Core.  That is what we are doing to our children if we adopt Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards. Next up will be the Social Studies standards if we do not stop this train wreck. We are each unique and so are our children.”
Anyway, I’m changing my profile picture over tomorrow and I encourage you to do the same.
P.S…. we can do the same on Twitter as well.
Common Core Forums in West Kansas
There are two Common Core forums happening in West Kansas THIS Saturday, November 16th hosted by Americans for Prosperity – Kansas.Come hear from a panel of education experts and regular moms as they discuss real solutions in K-12 education from the bottom-up and the dangers of top-down, cookie-cutter standards that are affecting children all over America right now.What do you know about College &