Monday, November 4, 2013

NYC Public School Parents: NYSED's new scary data dictionary, with elements to be uploaded into inBloom and shared with vendors

NYC Public School Parents: NYSED's new scary data dictionary, with elements to be uploaded into inBloom and shared with vendors:

NYSED's new scary data dictionary, with elements to be uploaded into inBloom and shared with vendors

According to the new NYSED data dictionary, updated just yesterday, among the mandatory elements to be uploaded to inBloom and shared with vendors are approximately 400 data points, for every student, public and charter school and teacher in the state.  They include the following:
  •  Students’ name, addresses, unique ID;
  •   Their parents’ telephone number, email, and nature of their relationship (i.e. whether mother, father, stepfather, foster mother, guardian etc.)
  •  The date the student was born and if not born here, when  entered the US; 
  •  Their family’s economic situation, including whether they participate in public assistance programs and whether they get free lunch;
  •   Their race, their ethnicity, their home languages, and whether they are limited English proficient;   
  •  Their disabilities,  and what services they receive (including  special education services, counseling, etc.) 
  •  What their 504 status is, which can include a wealth of medical and health conditions, such as hearing issues, epilepsy, allergies, etc.  (504 conditions are defined by the feds as any “physical or mental impairment that