Friday, November 22, 2013

How the Kennedy Tragedy Made Me a Better Teacher

How the Kennedy Tragedy Made Me a Better Teacher:

How the Kennedy Tragedy Made Me a Better Teacher

by  on NOVEMBER 22, 2013 · 0 COMMENTS
Kennedy AF1
By Ernie McCray
On November 22, 1963, I was a twenty-five year old sixth grade teacher enjoying my second year serving students at Perry Elementary. Before recess that day we had gotten the news that the president was shot.
The radio in our classroom verified what we had heard with the words “President John Fitzgerald Kennedy is dead.”
We were absolutely stunned. But, as a result of this man losing his life, I was a transformed educator when the day was done, so much more attuned to what was required of me if I wanted to nurture young minds in truly helpful ways.
Now, when I woke up that morning my teaching was pretty good. I had respect and all that. My lessons were planned adequately enough.
The year before I had created, in my mind, what I call the “Wow” factor when it comes to facilitating a teacher/student relationship with one’s charges – meaning that when you get