Saturday, November 30, 2013

Hey, legislators! We WILL survive. Will you? | Reclaim Reform

Hey, legislators! We WILL survive. Will you? | Reclaim Reform:

Hey, legislators! We WILL survive. Will you?

There was a vile streak of mean-spiritedness spewed by Illinois legislators who announced on Thanksgiving Eve that active and retired teachers’ pensions will be cut immediately after Thanksgiving. Knowing that people would avert their eyes and block their ears during this period of national gratitude, cowardly predatory politicos attacked.
Many years ago my father-in-law accidentally cut his hand while carving a Thanksgiving turkey and had to be taken to the emergency room. It ruined that Thanksgiving, and we never forgot it.
What makes the Illinois Democrats who are leading this pillage think that active and retired teachers and other public employees will ever forget or forgive this?
The super blue state is severely gerrymandered; a feeling of invulnerability exists among all politicos of both parties. Hundreds of thousands of teachers, state employees, their families along with friends and neighbors will never forget this vicious Thanksgiving announcement of cuts. Painful cuts.
How can a super blue state turn red? How can voting districts turn purple? How can red districts turn Tea Party yellow? Easy.
Madigan Cullerton
When several hundred thousand people reverse their votes or simply not vote, gerrymandering will become useless.
Nearly daily, we receive snail mail and email from Democratic Debbie Wasserman Schultz