Thursday, November 21, 2013

Heresy or Reality?: Todd Mertz tells it like it is. | Reclaim Reform

Heresy or Reality?: Todd Mertz tells it like it is. | Reclaim Reform:

Heresy or Reality?: Todd Mertz tells it like it is.

A) The attacks against public education are spearheaded by the scapegoating of teachers – past and present teachers.
B) The support of one liberal issue does NOT justify the actual corporate sponsored, ALEC written, Illinois constitution ignoring, anti-public education, anti-union, anti-teacher, anti-union behavior and legislation performed by super-majority Democrats.
QuinnVallas2Whenever I post about the ALEC written legislation passed by the Republican Tea Party in various states and also post the same legislation passed and attempted by Democratic Liberal Democrats in Illinois and elsewhere, I have been derided as being divisive, anti-American, anti-union and potentially in league with the Devil. A veritable sinner against politics as a faith-based religion.
Yes, the Illinois Democrats legalized gay marriage; this helped to reinforce their image as Liberals and Progressives. They desperately needed to show that image if they expect to retain their super-majority ranks in the House and Senate along with the Governorship and all other leadership positions in the heavily gerrymandered state.
Todd Mertz is a true pro-public education advocate who tells it like it is regarding the behind the scenes  machinations of public education destruction in Illinois. He also objectively includes what has and has not been done by union leadership in Illinois.
Here is Todd’s letter:
Friends and Colleagues
It is time we have an Illinois governor stand up for public education, students, teachers, employee unions, and collective bargaining rights.
If not, we are likely to fall victim like