Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Americans Will Not Be Amused by Chris Christie's Bullying If He Runs for President | Mother Jones

Americans Will Not Be Amused by Chris Christie's Bullying If He Runs for President | Mother Jones:

Americans Will Not Be Amused by Chris Christie's Bullying If He Runs for President

| Mon Nov. 4, 2013 8:41 AM PST
Over the weekend, a picture of New Jersy Gov. Chris Christie dressing down a teacher who asked him about school budgets went semi-viral. I was a little surprised, because I thought Christie had stopped doing this kind of thing as his national ambitions became more obvious. Apparently not. But Dave Weigel, who snapped the pics,provides a tidbit of interesting background:
Mary Pat Christie smiled through the entire talk-off. Why? Because a local NBC News camera was facing at her, capturing the scene. Two days later, I don't see any trace of the video online. Is that a statement on how ordinary the confrontation was? Possibly. I think it's also a reflection of the frontrunner coverage boosting Christie as the race ends, as the polls showing him winning (with up to 37 percent of voters not even knowing who is opponent is) are taken as prima facie evidence that he's running a faultless campaign. The day after this little contretemps, one of north Jersey's major papers ran an analysis of how the governor's tone had moderated so much recently.
Back in early 2012, when the chatter about Christie's presidential chops first started, I remember thinking that I just didn't believe it. Obviously Christie has some ideological baggage