Monday, November 4, 2013

11-4-13 Wait What?

Wait What?:

Bridgeport Board of Education Election makes Salon Magazine
In a story entitled, Michelle Rhee revolution faces massive threat — and new accusations,” Salon Magzine’s Josh Eidelson wries, “In Bridgeport, a quiet bipartisan scheme to protect ed reformers’ favorite school chief is suspected by critics.” The story paints a partial picture of what the Malloy, Finch, Pryor, Vallas cabal are doing to try and […]The post Bridgeport Board of Education Election mak

Bridgeport voters go to the polls tomorrow, proving elected officials dismiss voters at their own peril
Even now, at a time when government and elected officials seem more distant than ever before, the voters of Bridgeport are proving that the power of democracy should never be underestimated. Bridgeport’s voters overwhelming defeated Mayor Bill Finch’s proposal to do away a democratically elected board of education and replace it with one appointed by […]The post Bridgeport voters go to the polls t

Did you make a contribution to the Democratic State Central Committee?
A few days ago, Democratic Party activists received an email from Governor Malloy asking them to help with this year’s local election by donating to the Democratic State Central Committee. In his email, Malloy wrote; “We only have four days left until the polls open. On Tuesday, Connecticut voters will choose local leaders who will […]The post Did you make a contribution to the Democratic State Ce

Capital Prep’s Steve Perry: Here today, gone tomorrow
Apparently Steven Perry, the principal of Capital Preparatory Magnet School, is actually supposed to show up for his job today. Despite being principal of the school, Steve Perry has missed 20 percent of the schools days this year as he jets around the country giving speeches rather than performing his legal duties.  But thanks to […]The post Capital Prep’s Steve Perry: Here today, gone tomorrow a

11-3-13 Wait What?
Wait What?: Common Core fails to meet Connecticut constitutional standardsWendy Lecker, fellow pro-public education advocate and commentator, has a stunningly profound piece in this weekend’s Stamford Advocate and in other Hearst Media newspapers about the new Common Core standards and their inappropriateness for Connecticut. Andrea Conway, a fellow pro-public education warrior here in Connecticut