Wednesday, November 27, 2013

11-27-13 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Came Home To This
We live down the street, got some smoke into the building, but nothing like people who live on Grove Street, especially those in adjoining buildings.One fireman told me when the fire got out of control they were having a difficult time battling the smoke, so they pulled back from the buildings and went with a "Surround and Drown" strategy.It's a mess - they're still pouring water on it n

Parents' Message To De Blasio
An extraordinary video from ParentVoices NY:

63% In NY State Back De Blasio To Raise Tax On Wealthy For Pre-K
David Dinkins called fora return to the regressive commuters tax to fund universal pre-K in NYC, saying the measure will not be popular in Albany, but state voters overwhelmingly back de Blasio's plan:Meanwhile, 62 percent of New York state voters back New York City Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio’s plan to raise income taxes on the city’s wealthy in order to fund universal pre-kindergarten. The plan,
NYSED Commissioner King Shouted Down At Common Core Meeting In Suffolk
Okay, you know the drill on this already.Hundreds of parents, teachers and administrators criticize the Common Core, the Common Core implementation, the Common Core tests, the teacher evaluation system tied to those tests, and the inBloom data project at the latest Common Core forum with NYSED Commissioner John King.King says he's listening but vows there will be no major changes to the state's ed
Chicago Tribune: Illinois Gubernatorial Candidate Full Of Crap
Once in a while, a political figure gets called on his bull@#$% (via Political Wire):Illinois gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner (R) has a new TV ad "showing off his modest watch, a symbol of his down-to-earth frugality," the Chicago Tribune reports. Says his official bio: "Bruce has never let his success change him. He still drives a 20-year-old camper van, wears an $18 watch, an
11-26-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Cuomo's Job Performance RatingsAfter a Siena poll showed Andrew Cuomo with a 44%-56% job performance rating last week, a new Quinnipiac poll released today shows a different story:New York State Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who saw his job approval rating drop in Quinnipiac University polls in the first six months of the year, opens his reelection bid with a 62 - 25 percent approval r