Thursday, November 21, 2013

11-21-13 The Answer Sheet

The Answer Sheet:

Principal gets mad and tweets: ‘Strap up, there will be head injuries.’
The only way to lose a fight is to stop fighting. All this did was piss me off. It’s so on. Strap up, there will be head injuries. — Dr. Steve Perry (@DrStevePerry) November 20, 2013 That’s not a tweet that any school principal or teacher who I know could publish and keep their job, […]    

N.Y. school principals write letter of concern about Common Core tests
A group of eight prominent school superintendents from around New York State have drafted a letter to parents expressing their deep concerns about the validity of new Common Core-aligned standardized tests that  state education officials are giving to students in grades three through eight — and in just a few weeks more than 530 other […]    

11-20-13 The Answer Sheet
The Answer Sheet: A debate: What do international test scores tell us?I published a post last week, headlined “The fetishization of international test scores,” that, as the title suggests, discusses how school reformers inappropriately obsess about international test scores. Some people in the education world took issue with with my views, including Marc Tucker, president of the non-profit Nationa