Saturday, November 2, 2013

11-2-13 Wait What?

Wait What?:


Controversial Bridgeport billboard donated to Mayor Finch
Raising Hale is a media project of the Yankee Institute for Public Policy. Although Wait, What? and Raising Hale are miles apart on some philosophical issues, Raising Hale’s dedication to “uncovering government waste, fraud, and abuse in Connecticut” is impressive. Fellow investigative journalist and blogger, Zachary Janowski, is doing an amazing job shinning the light […]The post Controversial Br
It is another morning at Capital Prep…but Principal Steve Perry in nowhere to be seen
This morning, when the school bell rings to mark the beginning of another school day at Hartford’s Capital Preparatory Magnet School, the students are there, the teachers are there… but Principal Steve Perry won’t be there… Again! Steve Perry is off collecting a speaking fee at yet another out-of-state event. This time Steve Perry is […]The post It is another morning at Capital Prep…but Principal

OCT 31

Steve Perry: Tweeting while working …. or as one reader put it – Tworking…
Steve Perry’s twitter account has been a bit quieter since we shed some light on his obsessive “tworking” (or tweeting while being paid by Connecticut’s taxpayers to run Hartford’s Capital Prep Magnet School). Hartford’s Superintendent of Schools, Christina Kishimoto has been even quieter on whether she and the Hartford Board of Education will be taking […]The post Steve Perry: Tweeting while work
Wait, we spent $35,000 on what?
Consider it a tribute to Dannel Malloy’s version of American Capitalism… You’ll find this cute little “feel good” story in this week’s Hartford Business Journal. “Brewing Opportunity – Startup’s K-cup vending machine offers employers money-saving option” is an article about how an employee at the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology in East Hartford got an […]The post Wait, we spent $35,000
Vallas backs down on Bridgeport Military Academy
From the Connecticut Post:     Bridgeport Military Academy has their commander back BRIDGEPORT – City school officials confirmed late Wednesday that Byron Williams, commander of the Bridgeport Military Academy was back at the new school on Wednesday. Williams was let go by Schools Superintendent Paul Vallas last week but the outcry from parents and students […]The post Vallas backs down on Bridgep
Hartford’s Clark School parents, teachers and community fight back!
The battle to fight off the “Hostile Take-Over” of Hartford’s Clark School is growing. Last week Hartford Superintendent of Schools, Christina Kishimoto, announced plans that she wants to close Hartford’s Clark School and hand the building over to Achievement First, Inc., the larger charter school management company that already has one school in Hartford but […]The post Hartford’s Clark School pa
Malloy/Democrats make mockery of Connecticut’s once prominent role in campaign finance reform
Thanks to the changes in Connecticut’s campaign finance system that were initiated and signed into law by Governor Malloy, corporate education reformers Jonathan Sackler and Mary Corson each wrote $10,000 checks to Connecticut’s Democratic Party this year. It is hardly the first time that Sackler and his wife, Corson, have ponied up for Governor Malloy. Over […]The post Malloy/Democrats make mocke

OCT 30

Stefan Pryor expands his team of charter school advocates
As if Connecticut’s Alliance School Districts (the 30 poorest school districts in the state) weren’t having enough problems, Stefan Pryor has managed to pour even more salt into the wounds that are dragging down public education in Connecticut. Over at the State Department of Education, Stefan Pryor got rid of Connecticut’s experienced Leaders in Residence […]The post Stefan Pryor expands his team
Would the Captain please return to the bridge immediately!
You certainly can’t say that Governor Malloy is preoccupied with the minutia of running the state of Connecticut. In fact, it is probably more accurate to say that it appears that he finds the day-to-day administrative duties of serving as Connecticut’s Chief Executive Officer boring, annoying or, at the very least, a waste of his […]The post Would the Captain please return to the bridge immediate
Update on the effort to destroy the Clark Elementary School in Hartford
In a story entitled, “Hartford Officials Explain Charter School Choice,” the Hartford Courant’s Vanessa de la Torre explained that “Superintendent Christina Kishimoto has recommended Clark as the future site of the charter network’s second K-8 elementary school in Hartford, a proposal that has left some Clark parents stunned.” A Hartford Board of Education sub-committee meet […]The post Update on

OCT 29

Superintendent Kishimoto’s “end justified the means” form of a School Redesign Analysis
In preparation for a rush vote to close Hartford’s Clark School and hand it over to Achievement First, Inc., Hartford Superintendent of Schools Christina Kishimoto has provided the Hartford Board of Education with a “School Redesign Analysis” that attempts to justify her proposal by literally selecting only those measurement criteria that will bolster her fraudulent […]The post Superintendent Kish
Sarah Darer Littman among renowned authors to call out Obama on failure of corporate education reform laws
Sarah Darer Littman, a fellow public education advocate, blogger and regular commentator here at Wait,What? is also an award-winning author of books for young people. Last week she and a number of other leading authors and illustrators wrote a powerful letter to President Obama about the inappropriate use of standardized testing and the failings of […]The post Sarah Darer Littman among renowned au
Steve Perry’s “Big Lie” about Capital Prep Magnet School
Steve Perry, the Principal of Hartford’s Capital Prep Magnet School may call himself “America’s most trusted educator” and he Perry may claim that his “no-excuses” college prep program is “100% successful” in getting kids into college, but the most basic review of the data indicates that Steve Perry and Capital Preps’ numbers simply don’t add […]The post Steve Perry’s “Big Lie” about Capital Prep

OCT 28

Hartford Officials: We don’t have to follow any stinking FOI laws
Capital Prep’s principal, Steve Perry, isn’t the only one acting like he is above the law as Hartford officials refuse to release Federal Subpoena WNPR News is reporting – “Hartford Mayor Pedro Segarra told reporters last week that federal prosecutors had served a subpoena on city hall. His attorneys won’t release them. Federa
No Mission Accomplished for Vallas’ when it comes to Bridgeport Military Academy
When facing the Connecticut superior court judge who eventually concluded that he lacked the credentials to serve as a superintendent of schools in Connecticut, Paul Vallas spent his time on the stand tooting his own horn and bragging about all the great things he was doing for the children of Bridgeport. Some were programs that […]The post No Mission Accomplished for Vallas’ when it comes to Brid
Steve Perry…People get fired or worse for the illegal things you are doing…
Yesterday’s Wait, What? post asked, When will Steve Perry be shown the door? The reason? Because he has been misusing public funds. Since opening his twitter account, Steve Perry has pumped out more than 30,694.  Many of those were sent out while he was supposed to be performing his job as principal of Capital Prep […]The post Steve Perry…People get fired or worse for the illegal things you are do
Real Hartford Blog examines “bait and switch” with Clark School and Achievement First Inc.
Despite significant public opposition to another Achievement First, Inc. school in Hartford, Mayor Pedro Segarra, Board of Education Chairman Matt Poland and a majority of the Hartford Board of Education voted to give Achievement First, Inc. a second Hartford school — but they did so without identifying where the new Achievement First, Inc. school would […]The post Real Hartford Blog examines “bai

OCT 27

When will Steve Perry be shown the door?
Last week, a White House employee was fired for using his twitter account to make insulting comments while on the public payroll.  Tweeting while on the job got him fired on the spot and escorted to the door. His twitter account has now been deleted but according to press reports, the White House aide was […]The post When will Steve Perry be shown the door? appeared first on Wait What?.