Sunday, November 17, 2013

11-17-13 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

How's that RttT Working for You, Massachusetts?
Massachusetts has been on the corporate education bandwagon since 1993 with the coming of MCAS, and in recent years the corporate PR machines have made the world aware of how much further ahead MA is in the international testing derbies and on NAEP.  Last week's appearance of new NAEP scores gave us a chance to have a fresh look at where MA stands in relation to the other states.  Even though the

11-16-13 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter:  Schools Matter All Weekmark as readThe Dirty Water on Mike Pence's Fascist CECIby Doug MartinMore information is coming into me, as we speak, concerning the CECI detailed below. I will be following up with more writings concerning Pence's group, so please sign the petition to tell Pence to stop his educational power grab. And call Mike Pence at 1 (317) 232-4567).  For an insightfu