Friday, November 15, 2013

11-15-13 @ THE CHALK FACE


Education Reform Guide
Education Reform Guide. via Education Reform Guide.

You Cannot Reform Education With One Eye Closed
You cannot reform education with one eye closed. The mantra of “teacher quality” reduces the profession to the traditional four walls of a classroom. Unfortunately, our students deserve more than just a teacher. Rather than place unnecessary burdens on teachers, education reformers must encourage teachers to maximize their influence in every child’s life. Placing too […]
11-14-13 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: 21st Century Numbers GamesI remember vividly the moment I fell out of love with numbers. First semester of my freshman year of college, I sat in the weekly fourth hour of calculus set aside as a test period. I was reading a question that was something about shooting a bullet in a vacuum, and the only response I […]3 by plthomasedd / 1h Shhh: No Yelling AllowedHave you ever worked