Thursday, November 14, 2013

11-14-13 Wait What?

Wait What?:

In a New Jersey speech today, Capital Prep Principal Steve Perry says traditional schools “over-feminized”
Steve Perry goes on to tell teachers…”How can your job be hard? You work with kids all day! If it’s so hard, quit!” Steve Perry is a principal of a public school in Hartford, Connecticut. But once again, he skipped school to make money as an “inspirational speaker.” If Hartford’s Superintendent, Christina Kishimoto doesn’t act to […]The post In a New Jersey speech today, Capital Prep Principal Ste

SURPRISE: Connecticut Supreme Court rules Commissioner Pryor had a right to waive Vallas’ need for certification…
As if there was any remaining doubt about how our justice system really works… According to the ruling just released by the Connecticut Supreme Court, Governor Malloy’s Commissioner of Education Stefan Pryor DID NOT exceed his authority when he decided to waive Paul Vallas’ need for certification to be superintendent of schools in Bridgeport, Connecticut. […]The post SURPRISE: Connecticut Supreme

NEWS FLASH: Hartford’s Sands Elementary School Next Takeover Target – to be handed to Steve Perry
With the fires caused by Hartford Superintendent of Schools Christina Kishimoto’s disastrous plan to close Clark Elementary School and hand it over to Achievement First are still raging, out-going Hartford Superintendent is headed to Sands Elementary School today tell parents and staff there that they too have been targeted for closure. Kishimoto has decided to […]The post NEWS FLASH: Hartford’s S
Perry AWOL again – While claims Capital Prep is a success overrated
Steve Perry is missing yet another day of work…  This time he is off giving a speech at Rutgers in New Jersey. The Connecticut State Department of Education defines excessive absenteeism as missing 10 percent of school, for any reason. Steve Perry has missed in excess of 20 percent of the school days this year, […]The post Perry AWOL again – While claims Capital Prep is a success overrated appeare

11-13-13 Wait What?
Wait What?: If there is a Twitter Chutzpa Award – Steve Perry will win it easily!For months and months, Capital Prep’s principal Steve Perry has been using his twitter account to bully and attack anyone who opposes his corporate education reforms philosophy.  His Modus operandi has been nothing short of virtually continuous, obsessive, unrelenting tweets, many of which occurred during work hours.