Wednesday, November 13, 2013

11-13-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

Upcoming Board Meetings
I was not Able to Attend the Executive Committee meeting This Morning but Board staff were kind enough to give me the handouts (thanks Lily and Teresa). As a heads up, a couple of things from the Legislative Agenda (aka School Board agenda). - November 20th. The Growth Boundaries discussion / vote Action is the fifth item on the agenda. Two items ahead of it will likely go quickly but the Special Ed

Pinehurst Fights Back
Parents do the work to defend their schools and Pinehurst is challenging the per student figure for Pinehurst students versus other students.As usual, parents step up with extensive research.  Pinehurst is no exception and here is a letter to Superintendent Banda asking for an explanation of the costs announced to the Board per student at Pinehurst versus other K-8s.The claim in the Superintendent
Growth Boundaries PTA Meeting Last Night
 Board Amendment Work SessionWed. November 13th, 5:30 pmJohn Stanford Center for Excellent Education at 3rd and Lander in SoDoThis will be the first preview of proposed, first-draft Board Director Amendments.  Note that whatever is presented today may not see daylight in the end.  The Seattle Council PTSA hosted a meeting last night with district staff.  Here is what one person heard:"It is c

Mea Culpa
"The Mann thing has had a clear affect on you.  That comment, in which you hinted about the identify of an anonymous commenter, is something a couple of years ago, you came on someone else about.  It was a wrong turn."Those are the words Charlie wrote to me and he is right.  The sadness and frustration I feel over the Mann situation should not have colored my judgment.  It's not an excus

KIRO-TV's Second Part of their Investigation into District Spending
KIRO ran the second part of their series last night.   This part was around the part of the district audit used by their team that dealt with use of district vehicles and gasoline.  I was interviewed and make a statement about being disappointed that the oversight isn't better.  This part is as sobering as the first one.  (I know that there are a variety of opinions on this series but that the dis
11-12-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Tuesday Open ThreadI was fortunate enough to go to the ACLU dinner on Saturday night and they premiered a new promo by Macklemore for ACLU.  It's pointedly funny (he is, as he says, a rapper) and effective.From Gizmodo, a pretty great domino smackdown featuring a card trick and imploding domino structures - show the kids.Also for the kids about resiliency, Doodleal