Sunday, November 10, 2013

11-10-13 teacherken at Daily Kos

teacherken at Daily Kos:

An explanation of dispute on Fairfax County provisionals in AG race
Fairfax County Virginia has had a practice that allowed those casting provisional ballots on election day to sign documentation allowing party or candidate organizations to allow them to represent the voter when the provisional was being considered.  The state election board decided that this was in violation of its rules, and in fact, since a similar procedure was not being followed in all 134 ju
Breaking - Correction from Richmond should put Herring ahead in AG race
a series of recent tweets from Dave Wasserman of Cook political report just out" Ok, folks. @VirginiaSBE says RIchmond 501 went Herring (D) 830-144. Trusted source: registrar's results sheet says Herring 983-181. #VAAG — Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) November 10, 2013 IF that is correct, Herring (D) would net 116 votes, putting him in the lead by an estimated 72 votes even before Fairfax pro
A few comments on VA AG race UPDATED AT END
State board of elections has updated their figures, and now shows Obenshain, the Republican, up by 55 votes. But, you can go to this page, click on the CSV link, and get a list of all the changes being made.  There are no provisional votes for the AG race from either Alexandria City (net Herring (d) 29) or Richmond (net Herring 11).  That would make the current margin, without Fairfax County provi
teacherken at Daily Kos 11-9-13
teacherken at Daily Kos: Iced Venti Unsweetened Black Tea Lemonade with extra lemonadeThat was the request my beloved wife, Leaves on the Current, made to me over the phone as I was driving home from school.  She had returned from the clinic monitoring her for her autologous stem cell transplant to further combat her blood cancer. Some context perhaps will explain the importance of that request. S