Sunday, November 10, 2013

11-10-13 The Answer Sheet

The Answer Sheet:

The R-rated film high school students should see
Kids as young as 13 were free to waltz into a theater this year to watch the violence-laden “Iron Man 3,” which was rated PG-13 and featured terrorists executing people, bombings and a bad guy holding a gun to a child’s head. It’s regular fare these days for young people, allowable in the movies because […]    

Schools letting kids with hair lice stay in class
For years now, students found with lice in their hair were sent home and weren’t allowed back to school until the lice were gone. Not anymore. The Associated Press writes in this story that some schools in a number of states have relaxed the rules, allowing students with lice to stay in class. The reason? […]    

Tolstoy endures — but here’s why the liberal arts might not
Are the liberal arts really dying in higher education, and if so, how fast?  Writing about it in this post is Liz Willen,  editor at The Hechinger Report, an independently funded unit of Teachers College at Columbia University. She is also director of The Hechinger Institute on Education and the Media at  Teachers College. This appeared on the […]    
All Week @ The Answer Sheet 11-9-13
The Answer Sheet:Starr, Alonso: Candidates for NYC schools chancellor?Two education leaders in the greater Washington region — which for the purposes of this post includes Baltimore — are believed to be among those under considering to become the next chancellor of the largest school district in the country, New York City. Mayor-Elect Bill de Blasio has said he will hire someone who has […]    10