Tuesday, October 1, 2013

You Weren't Working Anyways (On The Government Shutdown) - The Jose Vilson | The Jose Vilson

You Weren't Working Anyways (On The Government Shutdown) - The Jose Vilson | The Jose Vilson:

You Weren’t Working Anyways (On The Government Shutdown)

Speaker John Boehner
Speaker John Boehner
When I woke up this morning, I felt no different from the day before. The lights came on, the water ran for the shower, the locks didn’t loosen, and the sun took its sweet time rising past the upper Harlem skyline my window frames for us. When NBC News reported on the 25th hour government shutdown, I felt hard-pressed to feel anything but increased disappointment in a system that continues to push average people further to the edges of our so-called American Dream.
To wit, Dr. Chris Emdin, hip-hop professor and all-around thoughtful guy wrote:
Schools are ineffective, the criminal justice system is broken, poverty is running rampant, unemployment is at an all time high, the people have lost hope … NEWSFLASH, the government has been shutdown for quite a while now.
As a teacher seeing the shift of our neighborhood’s population before my very eyes, a neighborhood formerly dominated by Dominicans now shifting towards South and Central
- See more at: http://thejosevilson.com/werent-working-anyways-government-shutdown/#sthash.43YRtj61.dpuf