Thursday, October 10, 2013

Why the Sacramento Bee Did Not Mention My Visit | Diane Ravitch's blog

Why the Sacramento Bee Did Not Mention My Visit | Diane Ravitch's blog:

Why the Sacramento Bee Did Not Mention My Visit

Reign of Error  (click picture)

 When I spoke in Sacramento last week about today’s failed fads in education, the town’s leading newspaper ignored my appearance. They ignored it even though I was introduced by Tom Torlakson, the state superintendent of education, and even though 1,000 people filled historic Memorial Hall.
Now I know why.
They published five stories about Shaq O’Neill!
I have nothing against Shaq. He is great. When I was in Argentina two years ago, the grand hotel Alvear Palace put us in a suite with a bed custom made for Shaq. No other rooms were available. Wow! Thanks, Shaq.
But some debate about where we are heading in education would not be a bad idea in Sacramento. None at all is a very bad idea.