Saturday, October 26, 2013

Two awesome tech leadership webinars for our Connected Educator Month book club | @mcleod

Two awesome tech leadership webinars for our Connected Educator Month book club | @mcleod:

Two awesome tech leadership webinars for our Connected Educator Month book club

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McLeod Lehmann book
At 7pm Eastern on Monday, October 28, we launch thefourth and final Connected Educator Month book club. Contributors Joyce ValenzaKevin JarrettRichard Byrne,Kristin Hokanson, and Stephanie Sandifer will join Chris LehmannSheryl Nussbaum-Beach, and myself for a 1-hour online discussion of technology leadership issues. We will discuss topics from our book, What School Leaders Need to Know About Digital Technologies and Social Media, as well as anything else that we or our audience brings up. Please join us!
At 7pm Eastern on Monday, December 2, our book club will conclude with a second webinar. Joining Sheryl and I that evening will be Doug JohnsonSteve DemboDean ShareskiDavid Jakes, and Pamela Livingston. Hope you’ll join us for that one too!
And, in between, we’ll be talking about the book in our online discussion space. Learn more about the book club and sign up to participate with us. See you online!
[It’s been a good month for our book. Not only did the U.S. Department of Education pick our book to be one of the four featured for Connected Educator Month, last week the Illinois Principals Association offered a copy to every attendee at its annual conference. Woo hoo!]