Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Top authors — including Maya Angelou — urge Obama to curb standardized testing

Top authors — including Maya Angelou — urge Obama to curb standardized testing:

Top authors — including Maya Angelou — urge Obama to curb standardized testing

First Lady Michelle Obama and Maya Angelou in 2012 (First lady Michelle Obama listens while BET honoree Maya Angelou speaks… (Jose Luis Magana/AP )
First lady Michelle Obama and Maya Angelou in 2012  ( Jose Luis Magana/AP )
More than 120 authors and illustrators of books for children — including Maya Angelou,  Judy Bloom and Jane Yolen — urged President Obama in a letter sent Tuesday to curb policies that promote excessive standardized testing and said they are “alarmed” about the impact “on children’s love reading and literature.”
The letter, delivered to the White House, was organized by The National Center for Fair & Open Testing, known as FairTest, a nonprofit organization dedicated to ending the misuse of standardized tests. It says in part:
We are alarmed at the negative impact of excessive school testing mandates, including your administration’s own initiatives, on children’s love of reading and literature. Recent policy changes by your Administration have not lowered the stakes. On the contrary, requirements to evaluate teachers on student test scores impose more standardized exams and crowd out exploration.
Angelou is noteworthy on this list not only because of her position in the literary world but because she has been a big public supporter of Obama. Other signers include Jules