Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Purpose Motivated Leadership | Connected Principals

Purpose Motivated Leadership | Connected Principals:

Purpose Motivated Leadership

October 22, 2013
We have a student who is an orphan at my school.
Clear-Sense-Of-PurposeShe struggles with so many emotions and doesn’t always make the best decisions–even though she still makes me proud and is passing all her classes.
One day she skipped school, and I assigned her to our ISP room (one teacher/no social interaction for the day) for discipline.
When she caught up on her work, she asked if she could read something, so I sent her the book Chicken Soup for the Teenager’s Soul.
Later in the day, she asked to see me.
When she came into my office, she told me that she had read the entire book and wanted more. So our librarian sent over a copy of Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul. She asked if she could take it home. When I told her the librarian said she could keep it for two weeks, she clutched it to her chest and beamed.
“Awesome!” she shouted.
You would have thought it was a Christmas present.
Sometimes I have days when I don’t enjoy what I do. Keeping track of all the demands–dealing with discipline decisions, for instance, can be wearing. But in moments like these, I remember why I am


Staff Learning & Capturing Voice
Learning alongside is powerful and builds collective efficacy that nutures relationships, trust and risk-taking. On April 9th, 2013, the @AncasterSrPS Grade 8 teaching staff and I spent time learning together with @bloggucation and @mrjarbenne. The day’s theme focussed on sharing their wonderings and questions about our Grade 8 students transitioning to highschool. The how was what was different b