Friday, October 25, 2013

New funding system requires education leaders to shift their thinking | EdSource Today

New funding system requires education leaders to shift their thinking | EdSource Today:

Ron Bennett

Much attention has been paid to the calculation of revenues and redistribution of funding that occurs as a result of California’s new Local Control Funding Formula. We see the dust settling on that issue and the calculations becoming more routine as they become better understood. But we see a lag in the adoption of new thinking that must accompany implementation of the new formula. Below are just a few of the many areas where we think a refocused approach will be necessary.
Closing the achievement gap
The governor has clearly made the case that the failure of our generation to close the ever-widening gap between the achievement of our highest and lowest performing students harms our society, hampers our economic growth and stifles the American Dream for a significant portion of our population. The governor has also clearly stated that long-term prospects for our state and nation are clearly affected by the manner by which we address this problem and the priority we afford it. We agree with that premise, and the evidence is clear that after 40 years of revenue limits and categorical programs the gap has widened, not closed.
But we need to recognize that the funding system was not the only variable during that long period of time. A series of events including court decisions, legislative priorities and initiatives like

 New survey indicates districts are moving ahead with Common Core - by John Fensterwald
Three-quarters of school districts in California report having a professional development plan to prepare teachers and administrators for the Common Core standards. And three out of four districts also said they’d have lessons in math and English on all of the Common Core standards in every grade in place a ... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit the Edsource Today website for full links, ot