Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: It's come to this...

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: It's come to this...:

It's come to this...

Beggar schools
Chicago school children may be able to wipe themselves at school again, thanks to toilet paper donations from Proctor and Gamble. Rahm's budget cuts have left many schools going without. Parents' thanks go out to Ald. Nick Sposato who organized the TP drive after CPS cut about $3 million from budgets for six schools in his ward. The Daily Caller reports that schools in Venezuela are also facing a TP shortage.

Cruz, T-Party victory
800,000 govt. workers go without pay. Food programs for poor kids threatenedStudent loans in trouble. But drones keep flying. NSA keeps spying. Deportations continue.

Testing Madness
Good guest post in Monday's Seattle Times by Trish Millines Dziko"The endless rounds