Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Byrd-Bennett reshuffles her bureaucracy. Yes, that'll do it.

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Byrd-Bennett reshuffles her bureaucracy. Yes, that'll do it.:

Byrd-Bennett reshuffles her bureaucracy. Yes, that'll do it.

It seems like every year CPS leaders come up with a new, top-down bureaucratic management structure to keep local schools in line. And every year we have to learn the new names for the sub-district or regional managers, ie. AIOs, Network Managers, Underbosses, Capos, etc... who are there to transmit and enforce the party line and report back on any principals who aren't team players.

Yesterday's memo from Byrd-Bennett. announces the latest restructuring:
Starting immediately, we are restructuring our networks to better align both our academic goals and geographies of existing neighborhoods. This will allow us to better engage our community stakeholders while improving the allocation of Network resources to our schools. To accomplish this, we are moving from the existing structure of 19 separate networks for elementary schools and high schools to a new configuration consisting of 13 networks that encompass Pre-Kindergarten education through Grade 12. Combining elementary and high school networks will allow for a more coherent, continuous delivery of instruction for students starting in Pre-Kindergarten through the 12th grade.
Some school types that require more specialized education supports will operate