Monday, October 7, 2013

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 10-7-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all:

Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch

“We Are Building a Plane in Mid-Air”
I have heard this expression hundreds of times. Sometimes at staff development, they show cartoon figures building a plane in mid-air. Note that the engineers are wearing parachutes. Note that the passengers–students and teachers–have no parachutes. Bear in mind that the idea of building a plane as it is in mid-air is insane. The next time you hear this expression, do one of these things: Get

A Comment from Western New York: Yes, the Tide Is Turning
Protests are gathering steam against high-stakes testing. Parents, students, and educators are organizing to fight the data-driven mechanistic view of schooling that is ruining education. Politicians follow, they don’t lead. Most have no idea of the damage done by NCLB and Race to the Top. They think that “reform” is positive. They don’t know that the language has been distorted to hide the barrag
Exiting Teacher on Why Professionalism Matters
A comment on the blog: I have been recently forced out of Education after 30 years – perhaps there’s a truth that I am tired, a bit worn out and old school – I cared as much about the child as their progress. But I still have a child in the midst of it (although not in the US) and am appalled at what is happening. Good teaching is paramount and that means good training and an understanding of ed

George Schmidt Reviews “Reign of Error”
George Schmidt is a veteran Chicago teacher and writer. I recall that when my 2010 book came out, wherein I renounced my long-held views on testing, accountability, and choice, Schmidt was unimpressed. He gave me a tongue-lashing for being a latecomer to the issues he knew so well. To put it mildly, he was angry at me and suspicious of my sincerity. In his review of “Reign of Error,” he accepts th

My Speaking Schedule for the Next Few Weeks
Here are the events that I have scheduled to talk about Reign of Error, the misguided policies that afflict education today, and what we should be doing instead of the status quo of the past generation. Tuesday, October 8: BROOKLYN, NY 7:30 pm Brooklyn By the Book, Congregation Beth Elohim and Community Bookstore 274 Garfield Place, Brooklyn, NY 11215. (Diane will be in conversation with David Den
Reader: Governor Corbett Should Be Prosecuted
This letter comes in response to a post by TeacherBiz, aka Ani McHugh. Dr. Ravitch, I worked for 29 years for NJEA and six for PSEA. I worked with local teacher associations in some of the poorest cities in both those states (NJ and PA), including Chester-Upland. What is happening in CU is nothing short of a criminal assault on the poorest of the poor, led by politicians who have allowed the sta

Common Core Tests in NY Spur Opt Out Movement
The most amazing thing is happening. The Common Core tests were made so “rigorous” that most students were expected to fail, and they did. Less than a third across the state “passed” the tests because the passing mark was set very high and the content of the test was so challenging that many students couldn’t finish the test. But parents didn’t get angry at their children’s school or their childre
Joanne Barkan: How Big Philanthropy Undermines Democracy
Joanne Barkan has an excellent essay in Dissent magazine that explains how foundations founded by plutocrats use their wealth and political power to damage democracy. She uses the example of public education to demonstrate how a small number of large foundations have captured control of public policy, taking it out of the hands of voters and parents to impose their will and get what they want. S
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 10-6-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: And Now, About My CriticsI have been more than thrilled by the response to my new book. Today it is #10 on the New York Times best seller list, next week it will be #15. My guess is that as more educators and parents read it, they will recommend it to others. I hope they will form study groups to discuss the issues it raises. My ho

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH ALL WEEK LONG Diane Ravitch's blog 10-5-13 #thankateacher #EDCHAT #P2
Diane Ravitch's blogLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH ALL WEEK LONGDIANE RAVITCH'S BLOGTODAYIs Free Speech Dead in Oklahoma?I just learned that Rob Miller, principal of the Jenks Middle School in Oklahoma, is under investigation for possibly encouraging parents to opt out of a field test. According to the Tulsa World: Jenks Public Schools participated in and encouraged a movement to opt students out of fiel