Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Jesse Hagopian “Reframes the Purpose of Education” and Testing at NBC’s Nationally Broadcast “Education Nation” Program | I AM AN EDUCATOR

Jesse Hagopian “Reframes the Purpose of Education” and Testing at NBC’s Nationally Broadcast “Education Nation” Program | I AM AN EDUCATOR:

Jesse Hagopian “Reframes the Purpose of Education” and Testing at NBC’s Nationally Broadcast “Education Nation” Program

EdNation_HagopianAsked by NBC nightly news host, Brian Williams, “You’re not against testing are you?”, responded in this way on live, nationally broadcast, T.V. (See MSNBC: “teacher Jesse Hagopian from Seattle talks during Education Nation’s Teacher Town Hall about standardized tests and ‘reframing the purpose of education.’”)
I appeared on a panel for the “Teacher Town Hall” at the fourth annual “Education Nation” Summit–A gathering that received criticism from Education Week writer Anthony Cody, and many EdNation_Panel_Hagopianothers, for all too often excluding the voices of educators and critics of the corporate education reform agenda.
Coverage of my participation at Education Nation included: